IGC Invest Geothermal

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ThinkGeoEnergy and Enerchange invite to the first global geothermal investment forum in Frankfurt/ Main in Germany. Held in the center of Europe’s financial sector, the event will be focusing on important elements of investing in geothermal energy development, such as risk mitigation, early stage financing, market incentives, blended financing options, multi-player projects and exit strategies.
With an increasing interest in development in growth markets, such as Turkey, Indonesia, Africa, Europe, Latin America and others, development continues to face the challenge of attracting adequate funding for projects particularly in the early stages of development. While multilateral programs and development banks are helping development in early stages, there is still insufficient equity funding available to move geothermal projects forward.

The IGC Invest Geothermal event aims to create an annual forum and platform for geothermal industry geothermal industry (GI) leaders and international investors, including private equity, infrastructure, debt, institutional investors and public equity funds, as well as public funding partners such as development banks, funds and institutions. It further is set up to help increase awareness among investors and the geothermal energy industry to educate about opportunities and challenges of investments in energy infrastructure development globally.


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Key Partner

The World Bank

The World Bank Group is a multilateral organization, whose members include most of the world’s countries. Five institutions make up the World Bank Group to collectively serve as a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries, among them the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

Rödl & Partner

Rödl & Partner is an international company for audit, legal, tax and business consultancy with more than 3,500 partners and collaborators in 91 own places in 40 countries. As one of the first consultancies in Germany, Rödl & Partner began already several years ago, to take care on questions of development, implementation and financing of deep geothermal projects.


EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council, is a non-profit international organisation founded in 1998 to promote the European geothermal industry and enable its development both in Europe and worldwide, by shaping policy, improving business condition, and driving more research and development.


The speakers will give an overview about the technology and related actual financing topics and introduce the challenges and solutions in this framework.

Financing geothermal - a gap analysis

Amanda Lonsdale
Former Advisor to EAGER and Power Africa

ROI in different stages of geothermal projects

Benjamin Richter
Rödl & Partner GbR

What is the value of your Geothermal Project Development? - Putting value on project risk in the geothermal sector.

Gunnar Tryggvason

In the different countries various support schemes were developed by the state to stimulate the geothermal development. This also guarantees a continous project development. Very popular are feed-in tariffs and risk insurance schemes for initiating the geothermal development. One of the question arising is how long a public feed-in tariff should be prolonged and sould ther be a slight degression or a sudden end of the support? This will be presented and discussed with examples from different countries, lead by EGEC.

Countries in the focus are:

  • France
  • Germany
  • Turkey
  • Indonesia
  • France


Philippe Dumas

The energy-specific legislation in France, Germany, Turkey, Japan, USA to facilitate investment for geothermal development

Paolo Bertuzzi
Turboden S.p.A.

Accelerating Renewable Development in Germany

Cornelia Viertl

French tools for Deep Geothermal Energy development

Jean-Jacques Graff

Untapping Turkey’s Geothermal Potential: EBRD’s PLUTO Programme

Deniz Yurtsever

Indonesia’s Geothermal Update and Business Opportunity

Budi Herdiyanto

The country risks and especially the geological risk are the main challenges for developers and investors to face. In particular with respect to long development periods the question "How to handle risks?" arises - this will also be the focus in this session. Speakers from private companies, public bodies and donors give their views and introduce programms for de-risking geothermal.


Dr. Jochen Schneider

Comparison of risk mitigation schemes in different countries

Maria Ueltzen
Rödl & Partner

Public Incentive and Risk Mitigation Schemes for Africa and Latin America

Jens Wirth

Restructuring of Geothermal Funds in Indonesia - Breakthroughs for Exploration Financing

Ilham Nugroho
Ministry of Finance, Indonesia

PT SMI's role in Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia

Pradana Murti
PT SMI (PT Sarana Multi Infrastructure)

After developping a geothermal field, financing the first well is one of the biggest bottlenecks due to the high risk of success. Here also a smaller well size might be cost saving and reasonable for collecting experiences of the geothermal site. In this session financing models for the first stage of a geothermal project are introduced in a panel discussion with various early stage investors. But also for the exit and project finance will be considered with Due Dilligence and Best pracitce examples which are presented and discussed.

Adel Baba-Aissa

Johan Larsson

Tim Jackson
InfraCo Africa

Eirikur Bragason
KS Orka Renewables Pte Ltd.

Geothermal Power Plant Due Diligence - an Engineering Perspective

Dr. Hartwig Schröder
Enex Power Germany

Financing exploration and production drilling--crossing Death Valley

Hezy Ram
GreenMax Capital Advisors

Many countires have excellent geothermal conditions. However, electricity prices do not coincide with the development cost of geothermal energy. One possibility to solve such challenges might be a closer cooperation between public finance institutions and private equity. Here development banks, donors and investors are invited to discuss about cooperations.


Amanda Lonsdale
Former Advisor to EAGER and Power Africa

Tim Jackson
InfraCo Africa

Deniz Yurtsever

Hezy Ram
GreenMax Capital Advisors

Blended Finance: Its not about the “What”, its about the “How”

Andrew Johnstone
Climate Investor 1

Silver Sponsors


GeoTermico is an investment vehicle aimed at early to mid-stage geothermal energy projects worldwide. We will enter geothermal projects, based on a phased approach, where initial exploration work has been conducted. We will carry out all necessary exploration and drilling activity and look to exit once the resource is proven based on the advice and experience of our team.

Media and Cooperation Partners


ThinkGeoEnergy, is a geothermal focused advisory firm working for corporate clients on strategic, marketing and corporate finance related activities.
The firm operates the leading geothermal news website and network, covering the complete value chain of the geothermal power sector and industrial scale direct use sector globally.

Information website Tiefe Geothermie

The Informationsportal Tiefe Geothermie is the content strongest and most actual news plattform about deep geothermal energy in the German speaking area. The website offers in addition to the news a monthly newsletter and an extensive mercantile directory related to the news and German geothermal projects.

Erdöl Erdgas Kohle

ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE is a technical and scientific professional journal about natural gas, oil and petrochemistry with an extensive news section, that has been published for 133 years. The specific topics deal with geotechnics, exploration, drilling and production technology, reservoir technology, processing, transportation and storage of gas, petrochemical engineering, energy production from geothermal energy and biomass.


JeotermalHaberler is the new geothermal news platform for the Turkish market in Turkish language. The is a collaboration between ThinkGeoEnergy, the leading global geothermal news platform and Enerchange. Website: www.jeotermalhaberler.com



Webinar offers the possibility to follow IGC Invest Geothermal in the web

For the upcomig IGC Invest Geothermal on November 7, 2017 the possibilitiy to follow the event in the internet is provided. The webinar starts at 8.30 am (CET) with a live transmission of the...

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New Speaker: Jean-Jacques Graff, President of AFPG

We are glad to welcome Jean-Jacques Graff, President of the French Geothermal Association, AFPG, as new speaker at IGC Invest Geothermal. In Session II, the EGEC Policy Forum about Market Dring...

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Great interest in EGEC Webinar

Yesterday's webinar "Financing Geothermal Energy" by EGEC attracted more than 100 participants from all over the world. Moderated by Dr. Jochen Schneider from Enerchange, two presentations gave...

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Congress Venue

Mövenpick Hotel Frankfurt City
Den Haager Str. 5
60327 Frankfurt/Main
agentur [at] enerchange.de
+49 (0)761 38431001
+49 (0)761 38431005

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